Scholarship essay

This is an essay I had to write for a scholarship on the biggest challenge I have ever faced.

The greatest challenge I have ever faced was battling depression. Beginning my seventh grade year I started having self-esteem and body image issues. By my freshman year I began struggling with self-harm. During my late sophomore year I was diagnosed with anorexia. Each one of these challenges brought along its own struggle.

When I first began to have self-esteem issues I remember looking at pictures in magazines and crying. I remember crying because all of my friends were skinnier than I was. Then I began getting bullied because of how I dressed and the music I liked listening to. I constantly told myself that it would get better in high school and I couldn’t wait until middle school was over.

By the time I was a freshman, nothing had changed. I still cried over my body, and got bullied; only this time, the bullies were the people I thought were my friends. I would always think I was doing something wrong. I thought I was the problem. This led me into some negative decision making. I started changing everything about who I was almost every two weeks. I kept changing until I could please someone, not once stopping to think if I was pleasing myself. I felt such an intense pain inside that the only way I thought to make it stop was to turn to self-harm. I didn’t realize at the time just how bad that would affect my future.

Sophomore year rolls around and I have finally found who I thought I was but I still wasn’t happy. I still wanted to change more about myself. I thought that since I found a group of people who I could fit in with and that would be pleased with me, I would be happy. This was when I came to the conclusion that nobody could ever truly be happy and successful. I thought it was a choice between the two with no gray area. Of course I was stuck on pleasing everyone else, so I chose to be successful, but success cannot come if you are not able to work for it, and I just didn’t have the strength. I gave up on everything. I stopped coming to school, stopped seeing my friends, lost my job, stopped dancing, stopped eating, and stopped spending any time at all with my family. All I did was sleep. Every night I went to bed and wished so hard that I would never wake up again, when I did, I immediately turned to self-harm to make the pain go away.

At this point I have reached my junior year. October 5th 2013, my mom and dad found out about me self-harming and immediately had me in therapy. I wasn’t getting better because I didn’t want to, but I didn’t want to because I was scared of what lay ahead. January 22nd 2014 I was baker acted for a suicide attempt. This is where things made a change. Things had to get so bad that I finally decided it was time to get better. I started trying harder in therapy and trying to go to school. Most days getting out of bed seemed impossible. I started forcing myself to do it, and eventually it became easier. This is where I noticed that I had made an accomplishment. When someone can get out of bed and function on a daily basis even though they don’t even want to be alive, they should get credit because that is so hard to do.

As of today, my eighteenth birthday has just passed, and I have gone almost three months without self-harm. I look back to where I was one year ago I can see so much improvement. I am happy to wake up every day and I give myself things to be thankful for. I am always with a friend, and I enjoy spending time with my family. I overcame the huge challenge of going from not wanting to be alive and giving up on everything, to being happy and thankful for simply being alive. I plan to become an adolescent therapist so that I can have the chance help others through these same challenges.


On monday I saw Neil Patrick Harris at Epcot. He was narrating the Candlelight processional and telling the story of christmas. Honestly I cried a little bit. I am not worthy of being in the presence of such a wonderful hero to our world. Everything he did was golden and perfect. He even made jokes at the beginning about his magic band! The whole time I was actually shaking! I didn’t even meet him, but it was a prize just to be in the same vicinity as him. Neil had his husband and their two kids with him at disney, and I think that is really awesome!

I know this one is short, but I am just very happy about this!

My birthday

Last week, November 14th, was my birthday. Honestly this was the best birthday I have ever had! On Friday, the actual day of my birthday, I went to a concert. I saw Pvris (pronounced Paris), Major league, I FINALLY saw Tonight Alive! and Mayday Parade! This was a fantastic show, and since it was the last night of tour, I got to see all of their on stage pranks! LOL! The next day I went to Disney, I got to meet Peter Pan, rode the jungle cruise: Christmas Edition, all Christmas puns! Went to Hollywood Studios and got to see Fantasmic which was absolutely phenomenal. We ended the night at Epcot’s “Chef de France” restaurant where I got to try Cream Brulee for the first time. After Disney I stayed the night with my brother since I hadn’t seen him in a while. On Sunday I got to go to another concert, Neck Deep and Real Friends were both playing. This was a very pop-punk show and I had a lot of fun. I have a few minor injuries still, but that’s okay! I got to stage dive for the first time ever at this show, and I was in a few tough mosh-pits, leaving me bruised and I think I pulled my Achilles tendon lol! But I’ll be okay! I had the best weekend ever.

In case you were wondering, I did not get to meet Jenna McDougall from Tonight Alive, but they performed so well that it made up for it.

Also, at Disney I ran into my Brother’s ex-wife who had my nephew for the weekend so I ended up seeing him too!!

These are the kind of weekends that give me hope! I am thankful to be alive and have these experiences.

The Story So Far: Why is everyone drooling on themselves? (Don’t kill me)

the emo snob

I’ll tell you why. Let’s just say Parker Cannon isn’t the only one with a chest problem (meaning they gave me heart problems because they were so good…….wow cue laughter).

Genre: Pop-punk

Label: Pure Noise Records

These boys started from Walnut Creek, California and ended up worldwide in about a year it seems. Last year at Warped Tour, I can remember them playing one of the side stages and the only reason why I saw them was because they were playing just before my favorite band. I have no clue what they played and I don’t remember what they even sounded like to me. This year, I was in the crowd and from the moment they played the first notes of their opener (it was either “Quicksand” or “Roam”, I don’t really remember, probably because I got kicked in the head), their fans were going absolutely batshit crazy.

But you…

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Knuckle Puck: “What did you just say?”

the emo snob

Label: Unsigned

Genre: Pop-punk

Knuckle Puck…only the coolest “new” pop punk band from the Chicago area (I swear everything good comes from Chicago), and you’d probably love them if you’re a fan of Neck Deep and Real Friends (and not trying to be pushy but if you like these bands then you should check out this awesome band from Connecticut *here*). What is a Knuckle Puck? The question still stands, but who even cares because they are seriously fabulous.

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Creative Storytelling: Five Ideas

The Daily Post

Itching to do something different on your blog? Want to tell a story in a new way? Here are five quick ideas:

Use pages and links in fresh ways.

The bear blogging at Hello, I am a bear shows how you can use the standard features on your blog — posts, pages, links — to experiment with digital stories. Consider “You are a bear,” which uses links and pages in a choose-your-own-adventure tale. In the story, you make decisions from the point of view of a bear. The blogger — er, bear — cleverly creates various paths and different endings depending on your actions.

Combine forces with someone else.

We love the writer-artist collaboration between Virginia-based blogger Shelley Sackier and Sweden-based cartoonist Robin Gott on Shelley’s blog, Peak Perspective.

Illustration by Robin Gott, "Give Me the Straight Dope," Peak Perspective Illustration by Robin Gott, “Give Me the Straight Dope,”Peak Perspective

Shelley’s humor and strong voice and Robin’s…

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Today while walking into school I stopped at the vending machine to grab a snack. I have noticed in the past that they always have reduced fat, and diet foods and drinks. I understand this is a way to help keep kids from being overweight. However, they are not taking into account that these items are filled with chemicals that are doing more damage on the body. The diet sodas contain aspartame and sucralose which are both highly destructive to the liver while natural sugars, of course not the best thing in the world, are processed properly.

This wasn’t what got to me. They now have stickers on each vending machine that say ‘CALORIES COUNT’. This infuriates me because calories, while important to maintaining daily energy level, are not the most important thing in a diet. By diet i mean simply what you eat each day, not restriction. What is more important is ensuring that your body can function at a healthy level by providing it with vitamins, proteins, heart healthy fats, and natural sugars. By telling young adults, who may not have the knowledge of a healthy diet, that calories need to be limited they are going to push them into counting calories. Counting calories leads to limiting your body of necessary nutrients. I know from first hand that this habit will grow and before you know it, you have an eating disorder on your hands.

I understand that they are trying to help, but it really is just going to cause more problems for people.

Just eat healthy foods, focus on portion control not restriction, and remember these two things: there are no bad foods only bad chemicals, and everything is okay in moderation.

vent it out

My emotions have been all over the place the last few days. I’ve been happy because I’m moving in with my dad. I’ve been upset because my mom is making it difficult. I have been torn because the one person I want to spend my time with doesn’t want to be with me in that way. I know I overreact in a lot of situations, but it’s hard not to. I know I have people I can talk to, but sometimes there’s too much to fill one person’s ear. It’s not fair to them.

I started writing poetry. It seems to be the best thing to get out all of these different emotions. I can read it over and I never have to worry about hurting someone with my words. That’s why we have backspace. I just need to allow myself rest time to breathe and calm down. Meditation helps too. I’ve been practicing a lot lately.

I don’t  really know what this blog post is about, I’m just using this as a means of venting. Luckily I have sad music to make me feel better sometimes.

My biggest goal is to fight through these emotions and do not act upon them.

I will be okay. It hurts right now, but it wont be forever.


Recently in one of my classes, we have been discussing bullying a lot. I’ve noticed that no matter the type of bullying, cyber, physical, or verbal, it all comes down to judgement. Judgement of other peoples choices, or life styles. It really all pertains to acceptance. Here are a few “real world” examples: If someone wants to listen to heavy metal and wear all black, people will call them an ’emo freak’ or as I’ve heard an ’emo f*g’. If someone likes to wear pastel skirts and cute shirts they get called ‘preppy’ or ‘fake’. If someone dyes their hair and dresses spunky they are ‘trying too hard’. As I said it all comes down to judgement. Of course as humans beings we immediately judge people by their appearance, but when will we learn to look past them? When will it be okay to be different? Why must people throw out insults at each other for being different, when the most important thing in the world is diversity? What kind of benefit does insulting someone else have on your life?

This needs to stop. Bullying has become and epidemic in this country. Bullying only hurts people and you never know when your comment can push someone a little too far. Suicide is the SECOND leading cause of death between ages 10-24 and more teenagers die from suicide than from heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza, and chronic lung disease, COMBINED!

All of this boils down to judging people because they are different from you, but really we are all the same, we crave compassion, love, and kindness. We all need to provide it for each other. It’s simple, JUST BE NICE.

~Be nice not naive.~

Self destruction

Self destruction is not magical. Whether or not it is self harm, or some form of eating disorder. There is absolutely nothing good about it except recovery. Someone in a class yesterday started saying that he ‘throws up everything’ he eats. I didn’t believe him because 1) if he really had an eating disorder he would sit there telling people nonchalantly and 2) he glorified it. He said that it works for him and he enjoys it and that more people should try it. I was furious. I almost started crying, but I don’t cry in front of people. I was shocked that anyone could find anything good about it. I was diagnosed with anorexia, and I dealt with bulimia. Neither of them are fun. I am seeing more and more people nowadays struggling with eating disorders and to hear someone say that it’s even close to a good thing breaks my heart.

Also, these same people are the ones that ‘struggle’ with self harm and then show it off to everyone. If it is actually done out of depression the last thing they would do is show it off. It breaks my heart to hear these things and see them. There is nothing poetic, romantic, beautiful, graceful, or charming about any of these diseases. These are serious psychological conditions. I want to be a psychologist so I can help people who have these conditions, and having recovered from all of these I just think how when people say these things about disorders like this, it makes it harder for someone to get actual help.

I recently had to distance myself from a friend because they talked all the time about how beautiful and poetic depression is. Yes, it is good to get your emotions out. If writing poetry helps, do it! Do whatever helps! But do not read them out loud at the lunch table, especially when they can be triggering. For a person who  is trying to recover to hear about how self harm ‘helps the pain’ it makes recovery almost impossible.

Everyone struggles with their own problems, and they’re not easy. Do whatever helps to cope, but do not tell other people that there is anything positive about any of these things because there isn’t and we don’t want anyone to fall into this hole.